Putin’s Puppet, Tucker Carlson, Visits Russia; May Have Interviewed Putin

Although just speculative and unconfirmed at this point but the fired and Fox ‘News’ host, TuKKKer KKKarlson may have conducted an interview with his puppet master, Vladimir Putin. If the rumors prove true, TucKKKer, will be the first American “media figure” to land a formal interview with the Russian leader since he invaded Ukraine nearly two years ago.

Mr. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, has indicated that Mr. Putin was denying requests from Western new outlets because their countries had been “stupefied” by anti-Russian propaganda. But Mr. Carlson has been a defender of Mr. Putin while attacking his Western critics, placing him at the vanguard of a pro-Putin wing of the American conservative movement.

In a call with reporters on Monday, Mr. Peskov said: “Many foreign journalists come to the Russian Federation every day. Many continue to work here, and we welcome this.” He added, “As for possible interviews with the president, including with foreign media, we have nothing to report at the moment.”

Russian media on Monday showed a black Mercedes van said to be transporting Mr. Carlson around Moscow entering and then leaving the state administrative building that houses Mr. Peskov’s office.

Reaction to TucKKKer’s trip to Russia has drawn criticism from many but bigly praise from far right MAGAts.

Russian State Media Gushes Over Tucker Carlson in Moscow

Many think he interviewed Putin today.

According to MAGA social media and podcasters, Tucker Carlson is about to “break the internet” and cause a meltdown of liberal snowflakes and neo-cons everywhere with an interview of murderous autocrat Vladimir Putin. Their philosophical counterparts in Russian State Media feel exactly the same way.

This is also an opportunity that is too good for Putin to pass up – as US aid to Ukraine is teetering on the brink and the presidential election looming with Trump openly musing about fulfilling Putin’s lifelong dream of the US pulling out of NATO, Putin will view this as a propaganda bonanza of the highest order. He will have a chance to spread his anti-US, anti-Zelensky, pro-Trump messaging to hundreds of millions of western viewers courtesy of Tucker, Musk, and their eager accomplices. 

Russian State Media has followed Tucker’s every move in Moscow. They referred to Tucker as “Biden’s second main enemy, after Trump.” They also noted that Tucker’s trip to Russia is being compared by some to Jane Fonda’s trip to Hanoi during the Vietnam War. They said that the Kremlin will not confirm whether an interview took place with Tucker and Putin, and noted that when Tucker was asked about it in Moscow he said, “We’ll see.”


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