Peter Navarro Ordered to Prison on March 19

Former Trump White House aide Peter Navarro has been ordered to report to a Miami prison on March 19 to begin serving a four-month sentence for defying the January 6 House Committee’s subpoena.

Navarro is looking to a three-judge appeals court panel for a stay on the sentence while trying to overturn his conviction. If that fails, he thinks the Supreme Court may help him.

“Dr. Navarro has now been ordered to report to the custody of the Bureau of Prisons, FCI Miami, on or before 2:00PM EDT on March 19, 2024,” his attorney revealed in court papers late Sunday. “Accordingly, Dr. Navarro respectfully reiterates his request for an administrative stay … Should this Court deny Dr. Navarro’s motion, he respectfully requests an administrative stay so as to permit the Supreme Court review of this Court’s denial.”

Was this the huge announcement, Peter??

Courts rarely permit convicted defendants to remain free while they appeal, but Navarro compared his case to Steve Bannon’s, where Bannon got a stay out of jail free card from Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols.

Navarro’s judge, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, was appointed by President Obama in 2014.
