Women’s History Month: March 12 is Equal Pay Day 2024

Women’s History Month is ongoing and today marks the day that in general women achieve the same pay as men working in 2023.

Per Time: “Since 1996, advocates for women’s rights have marked “equal pay days” every year to raise awareness about the ongoing gender pay gap that persists despite women’s increasing educational opportunities and workplace attainment. This year, Tuesday, March 12, marks that disparity—or how far into 2024 it takes a woman who works full time to make the same amount of money a man working the same hours made in 2023.

Equal Pay Day 2024 marks the current state of the gender pay gap for women: 84% for full-time, year-round workers and 78% for all workers (including part-time and seasonal.) AAUW breaks the calendar down:

2024 Equal Pay Day Calendar

  • All Women’s Equal Pay Day – March 12
  • Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Women’s Equal Pay Day – April 3
  • LGBTQIA+ Equal Pay Awareness Day – June 13
  • Black Women’s Equal Pay Day – July 9
  • Moms’ Equal Pay Day – August 7
  • Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) Women’s Equal Pay Day – August 28
  • Latina Equal Pay Day – October 3
  • Native Women’s Equal Pay Day – November 21

Started by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996, the goal of Equal Pay Days is to raise awareness about the ongoing gender pay gap and how the pay gap varies significantly among different communities, particularly for women of color.

On average, women still only make 84 cents for every dollar men make, with the gap far more stark for women of color. (Native women’s equal pay day, by comparison, won’t be reached until November 21.) And these figures don’t include the unpaid domestic and caregiving labor that women continue to disproportionately bear.