Report Shows Florida GOP Power Couple Prowled for Threesomes

Moms For Liberty cofounder Bridget Ziegler and her husband, former Florida GOP chair Christian Ziegler, are attempting to keep law enforcement records related to the latter’s closed rape investigation from public view. A lawsuit filed by the Zieglers states the release of those records would cause “great humiliation and harm to their individual reputations” if released and therefore should be destroyed. 

(Too late!)

That’s because a recently released police report provides startling details about the moral crusaders’ sexual practices. The report was obtained by the Florida Trident.

The report, obtained by the Florida Trident and authored by Sarasota police Det. Angela Cox, recounts how Christian Ziegler went “on the prowl” in bars for women to bring home to Bridget, a Sarasota County School Board member who has backed a number of anti-LGBTQ measures at both the state and local level, for threesome encounters.

“There were numerous text messages between Bridget and Christian where they are on the prowl for a female and Bridget is directing him to numerous different bars in search of a female that they are both interested in,” Cox wrote of the Ziegler phone contents. “During these conversations Christian is secretly taking photographs of women in the bars and sending them to Bridget asking her if she wants this one or that one. Bridget is telling him to pretend to take pictures of his beer, so they don’t see him taking pictures of them.”  She tells him ‘Don’t come home until your dick is wet.’”

Investigators also found “numerous sexual videos” on Christian Ziegler’s phone involving the couple and other women.

The couple’s encounters with a woman, who accused Christian Ziegler of rape occurring last October, enlightened Floridians, who eventually removed Mr. Ziegler of his state GOP chairman title. Ziegler was later cleared of the rape allegations.

In October 2023, the woman accepted an invitation to a threesome with the Zieglers, but changed her mind when Christian said Bridget was unable to participate. Christian arrived at her apartment and had sex with her anyway, and recorded the act by video.

The woman told detectives Ziegler “had been sexually battering her for years, and she never felt like she could say no to him.” She also told detectives Ziegler had entered her house on a prior occasion by climbing through an unlocked window. 

Among the texts recovered on Christian’s phone was one on Feb. 19, 2021 in which he told Bridget to “come home, stop, and pick up [the woman] to play again and be crazy.”  Christian acknowledged to Bridget via text that the woman “was an alcoholic, nice person with some issues” but with “no drama,” which “turns him on.” 

Bridget worried they were taking advantage of the woman who seemed “broken.”

Christian concluded that the couple needed “to hunt for somebody new.”

WGCU, Florida Trident

News Views previously covered the story in December.