MAGA: Biden Releases Gas! To Save His Election!


The Biden administration said Tuesday it is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from a Northeast reserve established after Superstorm Sandy in a bid to lower prices at the pump this summer.

The Energy Department said the sale of 1 million barrels, about 42 million gallons, was timed to provide relief for motorists as the summer driving season begins.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Tuesday described the effort as “strategically releasing this reserve in between Memorial Day and July 4th.” 

Fact Check:

The Biden administration is following a mandate from Congress that the 10-year-old reserve of gasoline (not oil!) in storage sites in New Jersey and Maine be released, sold, and closed down.

This was in the language of the spending deal Congress approved in March in order to avert a government shutdown.

Gaslighter in Chief responds with more lies, ignites a firestorm of MAGA lies.

MAGA friendly sources produced the headlines Trump was hoping for.

(Gas Buddy is a technology company that tracks pricing in locations of the U.S. and Canada, with information sourced from users, gas station operators, and partner companies.)