Free Chat Friday, Week 26

TGIF News Viewers and there is some great news today—–TO START, -there is no debate today and there is still time to smell the coffee, walk on the wild side, live like there’s no tomorrow and feel the sand beneath our feet,. In other words, today we have time to live our lives listening to each other and tossing the verbal football back and forth and laugh at our own corny jokes.

Welcome to Free Chat. We have ONE cartoon that matters this a.m. — all others are an offshoot of this ONE issue in the Campaign. We are voting for truth and sweeping lies out the door. Today, Friday, is real life, a day to remember that when it comes time to vote, the person with the truth, meaning, humor and the willingness to ACT is the person we stand with .

So what’s the truth of your life this day? Let’s share and share alike this Friday —- you know the drill, anything goes (except lies, especially golf lies. . . .)