Viktor Orban Comes to Mar-a-Lago on a Peace Mission

Donald Trump met with Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday night, who called it “Peace Mission 5.0,” endorsing Trump, and saying earlier that there was a “very, very, very high chance” that Joe Biden would lose the upcoming election. It was one of several meetings the two have recently had.

Orban says of the visit, “We discussed ways to make #peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!”

Orban’s visit at Mar-a-Lago comes after visiting Putin in Russia last week.

He has also recently met China’s Xi Jinping and Zelensky of Ukraine in a self-described “peace” initiative.

On Wednesday, Russian newspaper Izvestia wrote such initiatives were futile, “but Viktor Orbán may pass information he has collected to Trump’s team”.

“He [Trump] is a man of peace. Under his four-year term he did not initiate a single war, and he did a lot in order to create peace in old conflicts in very complicated areas of the world,” according to Orban.

In April this year, Trump sent a short video message to CPAC Hungary, saying he was “honored to address so many patriots in Hungary… proudly fighting on the front lines of the battle to rescue western civilisation.”

Orban is currently the (rotating) president of the European Union. His actions have angered the EU bloc leaders, where some have called his current occupation of the office an effort in “troll diplomacy.”

“As the president country, one must act as an honest broker and not give the impression that you are speaking for other countries,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson told reporters at the NATO summit on Thursday. “(Orban) in reality is abusing the EU presidency and hijacking it for his own purposes.”


Orban has long been pursuing a cozy relationship with Putin, and has also vigorously lobbied for Chinese investments and a more China-friendly economic policy while most EU countries seek to limit China’s influence.