Trump Campaign Statement on Stolen Valor Contains Stolen Valor

The Trump campaign continues on their warpath with stolen valor claims against VP candidate Tim Walz, claiming that he exaggerated his military service in previous public statements.

Today’s exhibit is a letter signed by 50 Republicans attempting to denounce Walz for allegedly exaggerating his service, and for retiring after 24 years of service before his National Guard unit deployed overseas.

Unfortunately, the letter itself from the Trump campaign contains misrepresentations about the military service of 29 out of the 50 signers.

The most blatant example is of course Dr. Ronny Jackson.

Also signing the letter was Troy Nehls, who was finally forced to take off the Combat Infantryman’s badge that he wore every day on his lapel despite the fact that the Army stated in writing that he was never entitled to wear it because he never served in combat or in a unit deployed to a combat zone.

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