Debunking More MAGAt Claims About Immigrants, Crime, and Diets

Everyday more and more information arises from discredited RW media sites that demonize immigrants, migrants, and US citizens that happen to be different, thankfully, from the below average, MAGAt.

Although the Biden-Harris administration granted Temporary Protected Status through Feb. 3, 2026 for Haitians who arrived in the United States on or before June 3, 2024, and that status can be renewed, Haitian immigrants began coming to the US in 2018, when Trump was (unfortunately) our president. . So, that false claim that he and his running mate, VD Vance, keep regurgitating that Biden and Harris (yeah, personally!!!) dumped Haitians into our country is patently false.

Why are Haitians going to Ohio?

Criminal gangs have pillaged their way through the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, killing, raping and kidnapping thousands of people in recent years and leaving hundreds of thousands of others homeless and unemployed, which in turn has deepened poverty.

Haitians first started arriving around 2018 and chose Springfield because of job opportunities and affordable housing, Lucken Merzius, a Haitian immigrant living in the area, told PBS News. 

Since neither of these miscreants have stopped their dangerous and hateful rhetoric, which could result in someone losing his/her life, 33 bomb threats to Springfield schools have occurred.

Of course, Ohio’s governor, Mike DeWine, claimed, without any supporting evidence, “that some of the threats are coming from overseas.”

“Some of them are coming from one particular country,” he said. “We think that this is, you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States. And they’re continuing to do that.

It’s Not Just Springfiled, Ohio that TFG, VD Vance, and their MAGAt KKKult have Targeted:

Charleroi (PA) residents and leaders respond to former President Trump’s comments on immigrant population

Charleroi was thrust into the national spotlight last week by former President Donald Trump.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Tucson, Arizona, Trump mentioned the influx of immigrants to the borough.

“The small 4,000-person town of Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Charleroi. What a beautiful name. It’s not so beautiful now. Has experienced a 2,000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris,” Trump said. “This is a small town, all of a sudden they’ve got thousands of people.”

The comments, amplified by Republican Senate Candidate Dave McCormick this weekend, were not well received by Kristin Hopkins-Calcek, the borough council president.

“I don’t look kindly at anyone using our town for political gain unless they are willing to offer help,” Hopkins-Cakcek told Channel 11′s Havranek.

Hopkins-Calcek said Charleroi’s problems are not because of immigrants. She was out of town Monday attending meetings to try to keep the Anchor Hocking glass plant in town after the company announced plans to close it for good by the end of the year.

But, Wait! There’s More: A Venezuelan gang did not take over a park in Arvada (Colorado):

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