TFG’s Brownshirt, Tom Homan, Will Bring Back Family Detention

The Fascist Guy’s choice for ‘border czar,’ Tom Homan, stated U.S. immigration authorities will once more put families with children in detention centers. President Biden ended this cruel and inhumane policy in 2021.

The government will not hesitate to deport parents who are in the country illegally, even if they have young U.S.-born children, he added, leaving it to those families to decide whether to exit together or be split up.

The federal judge who oversees immigration detention programs involving minors has set 20 days as the maximum amount of time children can be held at the family facilities. The deportation process often requires more time, so ICE has generally preferred to prioritize easier-to-remove adults. But Homan said that may change once Trump takes office.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!