“The throughline of all of Mr. Trump’s criminal efforts was deceit — knowingly false claims of election fraud — and the evidence shows that Mr. Trump used these lies as a weapon to defeat a federal government function foundational to the United States’ democratic process,” the report states.
"While we were not able to bring the cases we charged to trial, I believe the fact that our team stood up for the rule of law matters. I believe the example our team set for others to fight for justice without regard for the personal costs matters. The facts, as we uncovered them in our investigation and as set forth in my Report, matter," Smith wrote.
"As set forth in my Report, after conducting thorough investigations, I found that, with respect to both Mr. Trump's unprecedented efforts to unlawfully retain power after losing the 2020 election and his unlawful retention of classified documents after leaving office, the Principles compelled prosecution. Indeed, Mr. Trump's cases represented ones 'in which the offense [was] the most flagrant, the public harm the greatest, and the proof the most certain,'" Smith wrote.
"Throughout my service as Special Counsel, seeking to influence the election one way or the other, or seeking to interfere in its outcome, played no role in our work. My Office had one north star: to follow the facts and law wherever they led. Nothing more and nothing less," Smith wrote.
"It is equally important for me to make clear that nobody within the Department of Justice ever sought to interfere with, or improperly influence, my prosecutorial decision making," Smith wrote before directly addressing Trump's repeated claims about his integrity.
Just days before the Fascist/Felon Guy becomes ‘president’ again, the DoJ released Special Counsel Jack Smith’s report on TFG’s frantic but failed effort to cling to power in 2020. In the report, Jack Smith said his team “stood up for the rule of law” as it investigated TFG’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The document is expected to be the final Justice Department chronicle of a dark chapter in American history that threatened to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, a bedrock of democracy for centuries, and complements already released indictments and reports.
Of course, The Orange Ass posted on his social media site, ‘Truth’ Social his views on Jack Smith and his final report:

Mr. Trump's false claims included dozens of specific claims regarding certain states, such as that large numbers of dead, non-resident, non-citizen, or otherwise ineligible voters had cast ballots, or that voting machines had changed votes for Mr. Trump to votes against him.” These claims were demonstrably and, in many cases, obviously false. The Office investigated whether Mr. Trump believed the claims he made. Evidence from a variety of sources established that Mr. Trump knew that there was no outcome determinative fraud in the 2020 election, that many of the specific claims he made were untrue, and that he had lost the election. He knew this because some of the highest-ranking officials in his own Administration, including the Vice President, told him directly that there was no evidence to support his claims. Mr. Trump's private advisors, both within and outside of his Campaign, told him the same.” On November 13, his own Campaign conceded its litigation in Arizona, a state pivotal to his reelection prospects.’ State officials and legislators whom Mr. Trump pressured to change vote tallies or stop certifications of results rebuffed him and informed him that his fraud claims were wrong, both privately and through public statements.” Mr. Trump also monitored legal developments regarding the election and was on notice that state and federal courts rejected every post-election lawsuit that Mr. Trump and his allies filed claiming outcome-determinative election fraud. Mr. Trump and co-conspirators could not have believed the specific fraud claims that they were making because the numbers they touted—for instance, of dead voters in a particular state—frequently vacillated wildly from day to day or were objectively impossible, including, for example, Co-Conspirator 3's claims about voting machines that Mr. Trump privately acknowledged sounded “crazy”"* before he publicly amplified them.' Finally, at times, Mr. Trump made comments implicitly acknowledging that he knew he had lost the election. For
example, in a January 3, 2021 Oval Office meeting regarding a national security matier, Mr.
Trump stated in part, “{1]0s too late for us. We're going to give that to the next guy.” meaning
President-elect Biden.”