Our President’s Anti-Environment Extremists

The Trump administration is significantly more anti-environment than the American public is.

The number of anti-climate appointees running federal public lands and environmental policy has become, like a great many alarming situations, unnervingly pedestrian three years into the Trump presidency. Particularly after the brazen grift attempts so lazily hidden by Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke, few headlines are likely to surprise a numbed public.  The past week, however, has brought a particularly interesting juxtaposition of news: fresh evidence of the anti-environmental extremism of William Perry Pendley, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) current acting director, and new opinion polling on public land and drilling.

Twenty-three years later, snatching up massive tracts of private land is still very much a thriving hobby for the wealthy. But Pendley has remained vigilant.

When it comes to the current crop of president-appointed federal agency heads, Pendley is the rule, not the exception. In nearly every department, those with extremist climate and public lands views, or, at the least, extremist sympathies, have been hired, appointed, or promoted.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.