Report: Giuliani’s goons tried to get the FORMER president of Ukraine to open Biden probe

Giuliani Associates Urged Ukraine’s Prior President to Open Biden, Election Probes

Giuliani associates urged Ukraine’s prior president to open Biden probe in exchange for state visit: report

In addition to all the testimony from people in the White House and State Department about a Ukraine pressure campaign, there’s new reporting that there was an additional push, months earlier, for those investigations by associates of Rudy Giuliani.

Those associates are none other than Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, the two men arrested and indicted on campaign finance charges.

Previous reporting indicated Parnas and Fruman were already part of the pressure campaign pushed by Giuliani, but now the Wall Street Journal is reporting on a meeting they had with then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko this year before the election:


The Hill:


Article submitted by, sheltomlee.