Idiot-in-Charge of Executive Branch to Create “Wall Cam”

Ridiculous Nonsense Said to be Brainchild of Daughter's Baby-Daddy

Jared Kushner and other senior Trump administration officials are planning to set up web cameras to live-stream construction of President Trump’s border wall, going against objections from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and senior U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials, according to four people familiar with the White House proposal.

“There will be a wall cam, and it’ll launch early next year,” said a senior White House official involved in the initiative, which aims to rally public support for hundreds of miles of new border barrier Trump wants in place by next year’s election.

The project, which already has cost $10 billion in taxpayer funds, is behind schedule and faces major hurdles, including the need to acquire miles of privately held land in Texas where barriers are slated to be built.

Source: WaPo

Non-objective Editorial Content:  Image that — Behind schedule, over budget, short of funding to begin with, and lacking even the title to the land to build it on. Just like all of Don the Con’s projects, it’s long on bluster and short on results, and we the taxpayer are paying for this crap.

Article submitted by our awesome, CaptainCommonsense.