According to Donnie, Ivanka Has Created 14 Million New Jobs!

From Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential inauguration through the middle of last month, the American economy added a total of about 6 million jobs. But during a speech to the Economic Club of New York on Tuesday, he credited his daughter Ivanka with personally creating more than double that many jobs than that over the same timespan.

“When she started this, two and a half years ago, her goal was 500,000 jobs,” Trump said, referring to the goal of a White House workforce policy advisory board co-chaired by Ivanka. “She’s now created 14 million jobs … 14 million from 500,000. Fourteen million and going up.”

To be clear, the economy isn’t in bad shape, even if Trump’s jobs record to date lags behind Obama. While GDP growth so far this year has been unspectacular and wages are stagnant, the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low. That means that people who want to find a job can, for the most part, find a job. But there isn’t a shred of evidence that Ivanka Trump has created a single one of them, much less tens of millions — aside perhaps from the 18 people who worked for her namesake fashion brand before she shut it down in July of last year.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.