Bill Clinton Advises Trump: Ignore Impeachment, Do Your Job

Former President Bill Clinton had words of advice on Thursday for Trump during a phone interview with CNN.

“My message would be, look, you got hired to do a job,” Clinton said during a phone interview with CNN. “You don’t get the days back you blow off. Every day is an opportunity to make something good happen.

“And I would say, ‘I’ve got lawyers and staff people handling this impeachment inquiry, and they should just have at it,'” he continued. “Meanwhile, I’m going to work for the American people. That’s what I would do.”

The former president phoned in to CNN to discuss the school shooting in southern California that left two dead and multiple injured. He has been critical of Congress and the Trump administration for their lack of action after a surge of mass shootings. In 1994, Clinton enacted an assault weapons ban.

Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday announced an initiative focused on more rigorously prosecuting gun crimes. Asked about the potential for congressional action on gun violence, Barr told reporters that negotiations had been sidelined because of impeachment.

“That’s just an excuse,” Clinton said Thursday.

He advocated for reinstating an assault weapons ban, or at least a clean background check bill, stating that Democrats were unlikely to face the negative consequences they did in the 90’s because of growing enthusiasm.

“If you’re just worried about the naked politics, it’s at least a wash,” he said. “And people should instead do what’s right for the children.”
