DNA test shows Hunter Biden is father of Arkansas woman’s baby

DNA testing has established, “with scientific certainty,” that Hunter Biden is the father of an Arkansas baby, according to a motion filed Wednesday in Independence County on behalf of the child’s mother, Lunden Alexis Roberts.

Biden, son of former vice president Joe Biden, “is not expected to challenge the results of the DNA test or the testing process,” the filing states.

  • In 2017 he divorced his wife of 20 years. She accused him of spending money on drugs and strip bars. (He wasted the rest)
  • In 2014 he was discharged from the Navy over a failed drug test.
  • Sometime after the death of his brother in 2015 he had an affair with the grieving widow Hallie.

At the time Joe and Jill Biden put out a statement:

“We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness. They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them.”

The Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Washington Post

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