‘Meth! We’re On It!’ South Dakota’s Weird New Public Health Ad

South Dakota’s governor, Kristi Noem, was hoping a new ad campaign would draw attention to methamphetamine addiction in her state. It worked, but perhaps not in the way she intended.

The campaign’s slogan, unveiled this week, bluntly, if not quite clearly, lays out the issue: “Meth. We’re on it.” The words are laid over the outline of the state in one poster, and appear on pictures of people from various walks of life in others.


“South Dakota’s meth crisis is growing at an alarming rate,” Noem says in a video introducing the campaign, further details about which can be found at the aptly named website OnMeth.com. “It impacts every community in our state and it threatens the success of the next generation.”


They also came out with this jaw dropper awhile back.

Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.