A gay American migrant becomes Germany’s Mr. Bear 2020

Growing up in Tennessee, Bryson Kelpe would often have to hide his identity as a gay man. But everything changed when he moved to Cologne, Germany, in July with his husband and let his bear beard grow.

Publicly celebrating his bear identity has not always been easy for Kelpe, who grew up in the southern US state of Tennessee and moved to Germany in July when his husband began a job here. “It’s night and day,” Kelpe said.

Right after Kelpe […] left Tennessee, The New York Times reported on a Tennessee pastor and police detective who had called LGBTQ+ people “freaks” and “worthy of death.” […] USA Today reported that the Tennessee town of Troy had canceled its Christmas parade after people threatened violence because a “Love Everybody” float flew the rainbow flag […].
Tennessee was not a supportive environment for a young gay man. “People would throw things at me, like trash,” Kelpe said. As a teenager, he was sent to “conversion therapy.”

Kelpe began to police his behavior and appearance. “I would code switch, using a deep voice to sound more heteronormative,” he said. “I would dress more conservative […]

A supportive city

Kelpe said Cologne offered “greater opportunities for social engagement[…].” He spoke passionately about the small things he is able to enjoy here, […]

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