Kid Rock Rants About Detroit Restaurant Closure and Oprah

Kid Rock will not be renewing a lease on his Made in Detroit restaurant after selling his Detroit mansion and dismantling his recording studio, and moving to Nashville.

On Wednesday, he made a statement that reads:

…I appreciate all who have patronized our place and still have much love for the City of Detroit and the people / organizations that I have helped there for years, black, white, whatever, but learned long ago, go where you’re celebrated, not tolerated.

I guess the millions of dollars I pumped into that town was not enough. I will let the NAN network and others go ahead and take the wheel now. Good luck.

I may be guilty of being a loud mouth jerk at times, but trying to label me racist is a joke, and actually only does a disservice to the black community, which I have supported my entire life, by trying to alienate myself and many others.

PS – Hey Al Sharpton, you or your cronies will never beat me you tax evading, race baiting clown!

Trump 2020!!

His statement follows an organized protest by the Michigan National Action Network (NAN) over a video that emerged of a racist, lewd rant against Oprah. The end of the video shows him so wasted that he is helped off the stage by security.

A vocal Trump supporter, Kid Rock has also hurled insults at Joy Behar, which cost him a Grand Marshall title at Nashville’s Christmas Parade in 2018.

The video is below in the TMZ link, but be warned, it’s graphic and vulgar. Not surprising.

Story at Detroit Free Press, here and here.

Also TMZ.