Vox Podcast: The ACLU is suing the FBI to find out how it is using facial recognition tech

Today, nearly half of American adults are in facial recognition databases.

The ACLU is suing the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the DEA to get documents that explain how the US government is using facial recognition technology. The lawsuit came after the government denied the ACLU’s request for information not only about how it is using this technology right now but also about how it plans to use that technology in the future.

On this episode of the Reset podcast, host Arielle Duhaime-Ross explores what we do know about how law enforcement and the government use facial recognition, as well as what’s at stake given what we don’t know.



Podcast and article submitted by, Great Gazoo.

***Although the article is a month old, it is quite important and we should not forget about it while we focus on other issues that tend to consume us, like impeachment.