Tulsi Gabbard to Sit Out December Debates

Tulsi Gabbard has decided to not participate in December’s Democratic debates whether she qualifies or not.

In order to particpate in the December 19 debates, candidates must meet 4% support in at least 4 polls, or 6% in two polls in early voting states, and at least 200,000 unique donors. Gabbard has met the donor threshold and needs one more poll to meet the qualifications. The deadline is Thursday. Candidates who have already qualified are Biden, Buttigieg, Steyer, Sanders, Warren, and Klobuchar.

Gabbard has been critical of the DNC throughout her campaign, with claims of the DNC and corporate media “hijacking the election.”

The debate will be held at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and will be hosted by PBS Newshour and Politico.

Source: USA Today here and here.