Married youth minister is arrested and criminally charged for slapping a reporter’s behind

Last weekend WSAV-TV reporter Alex Bozarjian was covering a bridge run in Savannah Georgia when a participating runner slapped her on her butt. She was not amused.

Bozarjian filed a sexual battery complaint with the Savannah Police Department. The report says she “described the smack as a ‘smack and grab,’ advising that he also grabbed her buttocks in the same motion. She stated she felt a sharp sting after the smack and advised that it caused her to pause during the broadcast.”

After being identified from video of the run, Thomas Callaway turned himself in to Savannah police where he was charged with sexual battery.

Callaway in an interview said he felt “awful, embarrassed and ashamed”.

He claimed to WSAV that as he approached he saw people passing the reporter waving hands and planned on doing the same, and that he knew he had touched her but did not know where as he ran past. He also said he had wanted to tap her on the shoulder or the back.

From WCPO 9 Cincinnati 

Also a very informative article from Heavy.

“Tommy Callaway: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it