Supreme Court lets stand ruling that protects homeless who sleep on sidewalk

Merry Christmas, We Get to Sleep on the Sidewalk. . .

Homeless people’s tents line a street in downtown Los Angeles on Jan. 26.
(Richard Vogel / Associated Press

The Supreme Court refused Monday to hear a major case on homelessness, letting stand a ruling that protects homeless people’s right to sleep on the sidewalk or in public parks if no other shelter is available. The justices without comment or a dissent said that they would not hear the case from Boise, Idaho, which challenged a ruling by a federal appeals court.

Skid Row in Los Angeles, California. June 2019 (KOMO News

The outcome is a significant victory for homeless activists and a setback for city officials in California and other western states who argued the appeals court ruling undercut their authority to regulate encampments on the sidewalks.

Los Angeles Times: