Journalist’s Rape Case gets Japan Talking about Sexual Assault

The journalist Shiori Ito woke up in a hotel room naked and with no memory of what had happened. She is suing the man who brought her there and allegedly sexually assaulted her. It is a case that has divided Japan. On Wednesday, she won.

The night that changed Shiori Ito’s life forever began with a spell of dizziness. […]

On that evening, the then-25-year-old was with a fellow journalist at a sushi restaurant in Tokyo. His name was Noriyuki Yamaguchi, […] Ito was looking for a job and Yamaguchi had offered to discuss her options […]. And then Ito suddenly grew dizzy.

She excused herself and carefully made her way to the restroom. Once there, she lost all of her strength[…]

Her memory went blank for several hours[…]when she came to, she felt pain in her abdomen. […] she saw Yamaguchi[…]lying on her, naked. Ito looked down at herself and realized that she, too, was naked.

[…]she acted as though she needed to use the restroom. […]she was able to figure out that she was in the hotel room of the prominent journalist[…]

How did Shiori Ito get there? And why?[…]these questions aren’t just occupying a small army of lawyers. They have also divided Japanese society.

Lower Down the Rankings
Paucity of Convictions
A Dark Shadow
Changing the System
Judicial Reforms
A Fit of Panic
No Words
No Regrets

Long read; surf to the source:

Article submitted by, µthos.