Defense Secretary Mark Esper held a presser

"The US isn't seeking a war with Iran but it is prepared to finish one."

“The US is not seeking a war with Iran but it is prepared to finish one.”

Mark Esper-January 7, 2020

“The fact of the matter is Soleimani was caught red handed … one terrorist leader, of a terrorist organization meeting with another terrorist leader to synchronize and plan additional attacks on American diplomats, forces or facilities. I think we took the right action to remove these players from the battlefield,” he added.

In regards to Monday’s blunder related to troops leaving/not leaving Iraq:

Refusing an illegal order:

When asked repeatedly if he — as the top civilian in the Department of Defense — would refuse to follow orders from the President to strike Iranian cultural heritage sites if such an order was given, Esper insisted that the United States would “follow the laws of armed conflict” if it came to a shooting war with Iran.


You can watch the entire presser below:

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