Marianne Williamson Drops Out

Marianne Williamson is the latest 2020 presidential candidate to drop out of the race.

….”with caucuses and primaries now about to begin … we will not be able to garner enough votes in the election to elevate our conversation any more than it is now. The primaries might be tightly contested among the top contenders, and I don’t want to get in the way of a progressive candidate winning any of them. As of today, therefore, I’m suspending my campaign.”

“I ran for president to help forge another direction for our country. I wanted to discuss things I felt needed to be discussed that otherwise were not. I feel that we have done that,” she said in a post on her website. “I stayed in the race to take advantage of every possible effort to share our message.”

Williamson was once a spiritual advisor to Oprah Winfrey, and made reparations for slave descendents a key component to her campaign, being the first to run campaign ads on the subject.

But while her embrace of the idea of reparations was not unique among fellow White House hopefuls, Williamson also introduced more unconventional policy proposals like creating a cabinet-level Department of Peace and a Department of Children and Youth, while preaching a message of love and pushing “six pillars for a season of moral repair.”

Source at Politico.