Last Call: 1-11-20

Welcome to Club Zero! Yes, all of the lonely hearts with ZERO upvotes hang out at this cool place and commiserate about just how badly Disqus sucks, we lost all of our upvotes, and now have a ‘low rep.’ Don’t worry, we have made the majority of NV regulars trusted users so, your rep score will not inhibit your ability to post here.

But to be fair, yes, Disqus needed to address this issue last spring when it surfaced but (and this is my opinion …shared by several others…) this latest attack is a CopyCat bot. Someone figured out how to replicate something another nefarious bot did last spring.

Feel free to discuss this matter, ask any questions, and remind me if I need to make you a trusted user—just like last week.

And that leads me to this: In the beginning when we started this website, we wanted to open with a clean slate, give most people a chance to post here, and try to be a part of an awesome Community. However, some people just cannot help themselves and have to act the ass. If you’ve come here to troll and act the ass, your days are numbered…period. Don’t bother emailing to contest your ban either, not happening.

Regarding Community Submissions: Please keep them coming! Just help us out a bit, please. Please do not include links to watch or listen to something on another website. I would like to keep people on our site versus send them elsewhere.

If you have a link to a live feed or a video, include it. If you cannot embed the video, put a note in your discussion and providing one of us has the time, we’ll do it for you. But, I’m not sending people elsewhere to watch or listen to something, thanks.

Music History:

For all those Joe Cool Rockers/Roadies still living in the past:

1963 – The Whiskey-a-Go-G0 nightclub opened in Los Angeles, CA. It is recognized as the first disco in the U.S. 

Looking for other stuff that happened on this day, I ran across this and it cracked me up:

2004:  The bizarre Ted Nugent required 40 stitches when a chainsaw cut his leg while filming his reality show.  Don’t know why anyone with intelligence would want to watch someone with his limited intelligence do that, but to each his own.

Inside the Rock Era:

Not much happened on this day so, pull up a beverage of choice, snacks, whatever, and enjoy what’s left of the weekend.

And DAMN IT! Once the DV-R ends of the 9er game I recorded for my husband, I get to hear more gloating. He knows I know the outcome of the game and based on my giggling and playing Prince’s Purple Rain, he thinks the Vikings won. Ha! I played Purple Rain once when MN scored early in the game.

To all you Forty Whiner Niner fans, congrats! Yeah, yeah, yeah, you do have a good team.

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