Global unrest is soaring, one in four countries is dealing with civil unrest

Researchers predict worldwide turmoil will continue in 2020, with Venezuela, Iran and Libya at greatest risk

Verisk Maplecroft, a leading risk analysis and strategic forecasting company, said in a report published on Thursday that 47 countries experienced a significant rise in the number of protests over the course of the past year. Hong Kong, Chile, Nigeria, Sudan, Haiti and Lebanon were among the states affected.

Sudan, where the 30-year presidency of Omar al-Bashir ended last year, overtook war-stricken Yemen to rank top in Verisk Maplecroft’s civil unrest index.  Hong Kong and Chile were deemed the world’s “riskiest locations” in terms of the severity and frequency of protests, said the report, which predicted that the situation was unlikely to improve in either country over the next two years.

North Korea was identified as the most dangerous place to be a protestor.

The research is based on a range of the company’s risk indices, including those charting civil unrest, security forces and human rights.


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More than 300 human rights activists were killed in 2019:

Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.