Marsha Blackburn Attacks Col. Alexander Vindman

Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn spent the evening attacking Colonel Alexander Vindman on Twitter, questioning his patriotism, instead of doing her job as an impartial juror in the impeachment trial.

Over a series of tweets, Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, made the unfounded claim that Vindman had leaked knowledge of President Donald Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian President to the whistleblower whose complaint initially prompted the investigation, called him “vindictive” and said he wasn’t a patriot.

It is unclear whether Blackburn or her staff sent the tweet as it posted during oral arguments in the Senate impeachment trial, which bans members from using electronics. She tweeted again about Vindman at about 8 p.m. ET on Thursday.

Vindman’s attorney has responded.

“This difficult moment in our country calls for seriousness and seriousness of purpose. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman has sacrificed enormously for our country. He believes in our country. And he believes in our country’s great institutions, including the United States Senate,” Pressman said.”That a member of the Senate — at a moment when the Senate is undertaking its most solemn responsibility — would choose to take to Twitter to spread slander about a member of the military is a testament to cowardice. While Senator Blackburn fires off defamatory tweets, Lieutenant Colonel Vindman will continue to do what he has always done: serve our country dutifully and with honor.”

See CNN for this story.