State Attorney Generals send ‘Friends of the Senate’ letter opposing the Impeachment Trial of DJT

Twenty one state Attorneys General signed on to a “Friends of the Senate” letter opposing the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump. They claim the trial “sets a dangerous partisan precedent and puts future presidents at risk of retaliatory impeachment threats. The also argued the two articles of impeachment passed by the House are ‘fundamentally flawed as a matter of constitutional law.'”

The letter cites ‘partisanship’ numerous times but is signed by 21 of 26 REPUBLICAN, state attorneys general, which clearly defines the meaning of, ‘partisanship.’

Sticking to the usual talking points spewed by many Republicans and their sycophants on Fox ‘News’ and AM radio, the AGs claim, “the article of impeachment for ‘abuse of power’ is flawed because it doesn’t allege an actual crime but instead says Trump, in his dealings with Ukrainian President Zelensky, used lawful constitutional authority to ask for cooperation ‘for corrupt purposes,’ and the letter argues that House Democrats impeached Trump for no more than ‘political thought crime.'”

In an email sent to the media, South Carolina’s AG Alan Wilson said the following:

“The two Articles of Impeachment sent over from the House are fundamentally flawed, politically motivated, and fail to identify any high crimes or misdemeanors. Republican Attorneys General are asking the Senate to reject the manufactured theories upon which the impeachment articles are based. This impeachment proceeding threatens all future elections and establishes a dangerous precedent. That precedent will erode the separation of powers shared by the executive and legislative branches by subjugating future Presidents to the whims of the majority opposition party in the House of Representatives.” 

The usual, PARTISAN suspects from the usual RED glowing states include the following:

  • Alan Wilson (SC),
  • Jeff Landry (LA)
  • Sean Reyes (UT)
  • Steve Marshall (AL)
  • Kevin Clarkson (AK)
  • Leslie Rutledge (AR)
  • Ashley Moody (FL)
  • Chris Carr (GA)
  • Curtis Hill (IN)
  • Derek Schmidt (KS)
  • Daniel Cameron (KY)
  • Lynn Fitch (MS)
  • Eric Schmitt (MO)
  • Tim Fox (MT)
  • Doug Peterson (NE)
  • Dave Yost (OH)
  • Mike Hunter (OK)
  • Jason Ravnsborg (SD)
  • Herbert Slatery (TN)
  • Ken Paxton (TX)
  • Patrick Morrisey (WV)  

Greenville News:

^^^50 states so, less than half of our country’s AGs.

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