GUNZ! Follow-up: Charges filed in “accidental” shooting

This is a follow-up to: GUNZ: 80 year Old Woman Shot in Restaurant after Gun Nut “Accidentally” Fires His Pistol

Previously on Gunz, on January 10, 2020, an 82 year old lady was shot while eating dinner at one of Whidbey Island’s finer establishments, Fraser’s Gourmet Hideaway. Fraser’s is located in Oak Harbor Wa. which is a Navy town.

Another diner, a man with a concealed license permit and armed with a .40-caliber pistol, stood up, removed his pistol, placed it on his chair, and covered it with a napkin.

When the man was returning the pistol to his holster, the pistol fired, the bullet going through a tablecloth and then through the lady’s shoulder and out her chest. It then went through a window. A woman seated at the window table, said that it would have “hit her in the head if she were taller”. (a good reminder that we all should sit up straight)

Now it turns out, the shooter, David A. Goodman, 56, is a volunteer coach for the Oak Harbor High School’s NJROTC (Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) air rifle team.

The shooter was in court this week and charged with assault in the third degree and reckless endangerment.

Under the assault charge, which is a felony, Goodman is accused of causing bodily harm with criminal negligence by means of a weapon. It [sic] was charged with a firearm enhancement, which would add a mandatory 18 months to the sentence if he’s found guilty.

The up-dated article explains that:

At about 6:30 p.m., police responded to a report that a gun went off and a person was struck inside Frasers Gourmet Hideaway in downtown Oak Harbor. An officer arrived to find Goodman outside the restaurant with the owner; Goodman told the officer that he had taken the gun off to be safe and “it was an accident,” the officer’s report states.

A woman who was dining with Goodman told a detective that he had his jacket off and thought it would alarm others to see the gun on his hip. When he went to speak with his friend, (at another table) he set the gun on his chair and pushed the chair in. She said it discharged when he returned and tried to holster the gun.

  • Police determined that the pistol was still on the chair when it fired.
  • Police say Goodman didn’t have alcohol on his breath.
  • The school district has suspended the shooter pending the investigation.

Whidbey News-Times

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