Delhi election losses could result in the beginning of the end for PM Modi

In an apparent landslide victory, a regional anti-corruption party has come out on top. The vote was seen as a referendum on PM Modi's controversial policies, including a new citizenship law that excludes Muslims.

Within hours of vote-counting in high-stake New Delhi state elections, it quickly became clear that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was facing a major defeat by the incumbent Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). […]

During its election campaign, the AAP focused on combating graft in India’s political system. The party also drew attention to its earlier efforts in improving public schools and healthcare. […]

Critics say much of the BJP’s campaign has sought to divide on the basis of religion in the hopes of consolidating Hindu voters behind it – a tactic that has worked for the BJP in other states. In 2019, the party secured a vast majority in parliament during the general elections. […]

Citizenship bill sparks mass protests

For BJP members, Delhi’s election is a test of Modi’s popularity after months of sometimes violent protests against the controversial citizenship law that passed in December last year. […]

Hate politics
Some political analysts believe that the BJP began deploying methods to mobilize hardline supporters when it sensed success at the election campaign evaporating.

BJP popularity wanes […]


Article submitted by, µthos.