Bloomberg and Advisor vs. Trump and Don Jr. on Racism

Bloomberg advisor Tim O'Brien hits Don Jr. with Multiple Examples of Trump Racism

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg is getting his share of criticism from a “stop and frisk” policy implemented during his term as mayor. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a viral video of Bloomberg defending the policy.

A tweetstorm of criticism ensued. Bloomberg’s defense states that he did not initiate the policy, but inherited it from America’s former mayor, Rudy Giuliani, and has apologized for the error of his ways.

He also argued that stop-and-frisk wasn’t his idea but was begun by Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s administration, that he did his best to curb it, and that while he may have once defended the practice, he has come to see the error of his ways: “I have apologized — and I have taken responsibility for taking too long to understand the impact it had on Black and Latino communities … this issue and my comments about it do not reflect my commitment to criminal justice reform and racial equity.”

(See more on this at Vox.)

Bloomberg advisor and author of TrumpNation Tim O’Brien took to Twitter yesterday in response to Don Jr., citing multiple examples of the racism of his father and family.

In all, O’Brien posted twenty tweets as examples of Trump’s racism in juxtaposition with Bloomberg policies.

See RawStory as the source.