US Senate Advances Resolution Limiting Trump’s War Powers

Eight Republicans Join Democrats

Eight Republicans joined Democrats with a 51-45 vote to advance legislation on Wednesday intended to limit Trump’s ability to wage war against Iran. The resolution would require the US to remove troops engaged in hostilities with Iran unless Congress were to authorize military force or declare war.

“It is very important for our Country’s SECURITY that the United States Senate not vote for the Iran War Powers Resolution. We are doing very well with Iran and this is not the time to show weakness,” Trump said on Twitter.

Moscow Mitch said the resolution abused the War Powers Act because that law was intended to prevent the deployment of thousands of troops into sustained combat without congressional authorization Trump.

Tim Kaine, lead sponsor of the resolution, said in a conference with Republicans Mike Lee and Susan Collins and Democrat Dick Durbin, “We don’t send a message of weakness when we stand up for the rule of law.”

Calling himself a “huge fan” of Trump’s foreign policy, Lee said the resolution supported Trump’s goal of limiting military action. “This should not be controversial,” Lee said.

The US Constitution gives Congress, not the president, the power to declare war. Despite bipartisan backing, the resolution isn’t expected to gain enough support to be veto-proof if it reaches Trump’s desk. The Senate vote is expected by Thursday.

See Reuters.