White House Releases Legally-Mandated Memo on Suleimani Strike Which Cites No Imminent Threat

Memo Completely Contradicts Trump's Earlier Claims

White House Memo Justifying Suleimani Strike Cites No Imminent Threat


A new report sent to Congress about the drone strike that killed Iran’s top general contradicted the original justification the administration provided.

House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel slammed the Trump administration Friday over last month’s killing of Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani, arguing a new report justifying the attack undermines the argument that the operation was in response to an imminent threat.

“The administration’s explanation in this report makes no mention of any imminent threat and shows that the justification the President offered to the American people was false, plain and simple,” Engel said in a statement.

“To make matters worse, to avoid having to justify its actions to Congress, the administration falsely claims Congress had already authorized the strike under the 2002 Iraq war resolution,” the New York Democrat added. “This legal theory is absurd.”


Article submitted by, sheltomlee.