Dr. Ronny Jackson’s Cauliflower Crusade

White House Doctor Failed to Improve Trump's Diet

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny L. Jackson has described to The New York Times his plot to introduce more vegetables into junk-food fanatic President Donald Trump’s diet.

Despite the good doctor’s report that Trump had good genes and could possibly live 200 years, he was behind an effort to get Trump to exercise more and eat vegetables. Jackson told the NY Times that he was determined to help the president lose 10-15 pounds, hoping to introduce him to an exercise bike.

“The exercise stuff never took off as much as I wanted it to,” he said. “But we were working on his diet. We were making the ice cream less accessible, we were putting cauliflower into the mashed potatoes.”

At last year’s physical, Trump officially weighed in at 243 pounds, which is clinically obese.

Some foreign leaders catered to his taste for unhealthy foods. In 2017, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe served him a burger. It’s anyone’s guess what India is feeding him.

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