Steve Scalise Says Republicans Worked With Obama on Ebola

Ha Ha, Good One, Steve

Let’s roll the tape, shall we?

The world according to Steve Scalise goes something like this:

“Anybody that’s playing partisan games with this, especially while the president’s in a foreign country, should be ashamed of themselves.”

“We work together, like we’ve done when we were in the majority with President Obama,” Scalise continued, “to make sure, whether it was Ebola or any other disease, that we were working with the president to combat it, not to try to find a way to divide the country, but by finding a way to work together.”

However, in 2014, also saids include:

  • Tom Cotton (R-Ark) said Obama was not protecting our country and our families from Ebola.
  • Ted Cruz (R-Tex) said Obama’s response was “fundamentally unserious” because he refused a travel ban to countries suffering from Ebola, despite the CDC saying that this would make it harder to fight Ebola, not easier.
  • Rand Paul (R-Ky) said “political correctness” was causing Obama to put troops at risk by sending them to endangered countries.
  • Pat Roberts (R-Kan) said that Obama had to secure the southern border, even though there were no cases linked there.
  • Scott Brown (R-Mass) said Mitt Romney would guarantee no worries about Ebola.
  • Steve Scalise himself said, “This president in general, all across his agencies, has not shown the ability to run a competent administration,” Scalise said, one day before Obama appointed Ronald A. Klain as Ebola czar.

In 2014, Donald Trump slammed Obama’s appointment of Klain, tweeting, “Obama just appointed an Ebola Czar with zero experience in the medical area and zero experience in infectious disease control. A TOTAL JOKE!”

And then on Wednesday, Trump appointed Mike Pence to lead the Coronavirus response.

See WaPo as source.