Bernie Sanders Says He Will Drop Out if Biden Gets Plurality Coming Into Dem Convention

Senator Bernie Sanders vowed to drop out of the presidential race if former Vice President Joe Biden ends up with a plurality of pledged delegates heading into the Democratic convention in July.

Sanders made the remarks during an appearance on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show Wednesday night. The senator stayed in the race against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 despite having fewer delegates but said that a rules change after that election cycle makes the situation different this time. If he is left with fewer delegates than Biden at the end of this primary season, he plans to bow out of the race, insisting that using superdelegates to decide the nomination would be a mistake.

“If Biden walks into the convention, or at the end of the process, [and] has more votes than me, he’s the winner,” said Sanders, before confirming he would concede whether the lead was a majority or a plurality.

Full article at : Newsweek

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