Gear Up for the Various Republican Investigations of Joe Biden

Remember when Mitt Romney said that he would be hesitant to vote for a subpoena over investigations into the Bidens, Burisma, and Ukraine because they were political?  Well, apparently he’s decided he can vote in favor of the subpoena.  The vote comes on Wednesday, and Romney has agreed since Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson has confirmed that any interview of a witness would occur in a closed setting without a public hearing or spectacle. Thanks, Mitt.

See details on this here at Politico.


So what can we expect to be happening in the Senate and the Justice Department regarding impending Biden investigations? The Washington Post broke it down into three prospective areas. 

Whether a consulting company used Hunter Biden’s name to get leverage over the State Department

Johnson says there’s nothing political about an investigation that he says has been ongoing for months, since the House’s impeachment inquiry.  But a subpoena was called for the day after Joe Biden won big in South Carolina.  Name dropping and investigations cause confusion and hype the conservative media.

The panel will vote on Wednesday whether to subpoena Andrii Telizhenko, a political consultant and former Ukrainian diplomat.  Republicans also have government financial documents related to Hunter Biden, and are seeking Secret Service records for Hunter’s travels when Joe was VP.

Democrats contend that if Republicans want investigations and name dropping of swampy behavior, they need to look no further than at the Trump children.

Did Ukraine interfere in the 2016 election for Democrats?

Following up on Trump’s server conspiracy, Telizhenko says he worked with former Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa to try to get dirt on Paul Manafort.  Telizhenko has been pushing the theory that Democrats worked with Ukraine to win 2016. 

After Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham have requested documents and interviews related to Chalupa, they are trying to get more interviews from Obama officials that worked with Biden.  Insisting they are focusing on election interference not Democratic wrongdoing, continually raising Ukraine interference downplays Russian interference.  None of this has anything to do with the perfect phone call where Trump claims Biden intervened in Ukraine to help his son’s dealings. 

The Justice Department has a clearinghouse for Ukraine/Biden allegations

AG Billy Barr said in February that the DOJ has developed an “intake process” for whatever America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani finds in Ukraine related to the Bidens.  This gives Trump’s personal attorney, someone with a vested interest in Trump’s reelection, the direct ear of the Justice Department.