Biden, the Autoworker, Gunz, Expletives, and Viral Videos

Joe Biden was touring a Fiat Chrysler plant that was under construction in Michigan when he was confronted by a construction worker about his stance on gun control and the Second Amendment.

“You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns,” the worker told Biden.

Biden replied: “You’re full of sh**.” 

As the argument ensued, the worker, who according to Fox News is Jerry Wayne, cited a viral video in which he claimed Biden said he was taking guns away.

“This is not OK, alright?” the man said, to which Biden replied, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with you, man.”

Wayne insisted that Joe was working for him, and Joe told him he wasn’t working for him, and told him not to be such a “horse’s ass.”

The viral video the man mentioned appears to be a clip that has been inaccurately characterized by guns-rights groups and on social media in recent days. The clip was taken from a livestream by Beto O’Rourke, the former Texas congressman and presidential candidate who endorsed Biden last week. The video shows Biden in a restaurant with O’Rourke and Amy Sanders O’Rourke, his wife. Biden looks into the camera and praises O’Rourke for his stance on gun control and climate change, and says he will recruit him to work in his administration if elected.

“And by the way, this guy can change the face of what we’re dealing with, with regard to guns, assault weapons, with regard to dealing with climate change, and I just want — I’m warning Amy, if I win, I’m coming for him,” Biden says in the video. The quote has been widely misconstrued to claim Biden said, “I’m coming for them.”

This is a CBS story.