Trump Met With Brazilian Official Who Has Tested Positive

A Brazilian official who met Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago last weekend has tested positive for coronavirus.

Fabio Wajngarten, communications secretary to Jair Bolsonaro, accompanied the Brazilian president on a visit to Florida, where the two leaders dined together.

White House press secretary Stephanie (on-the-rocks) Grisham said on Thursday that Trump and Pence had almost no interactions with Wajngarten, and that they did not need to be tested.

However, pictures show the three together, rubbing elbows.

Grisham said that without showing symptoms, there was no need for the president to be tested, in accordance with CDC guidelines, and that there was such limited exposure, there was no need to worry about self-quarantine.

However, Florida Senator Rick Scott has decided to self-quarantine after potential contact with the Brazilian.

It was also reported that Wajngarten met leaders of Southcom, the US military’s southern command, who then travelled to meetings on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and at the Pentagon.

Justin Trudeau’s communications director said that Trudeau’s wife was exhibiting mild flu-like symptoms with a low fever, after traveling to London, and was being tested. Trudeau himself has decided to work from home and self-quarantine until they know his wife’s test results.

See more at The Guardian.