The Pentagon separates it’s top civilians from each other as coronavirus cases in DOD reach 37

Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist on Monday began limiting the number of people with access to their offices, screening people who enter them, and communicating with each other exclusively via teleconference, according to Jonathan Hoffman, the Pentagon’s chief spokesman.

No one at the Pentagon has tested c19 pos and they want to keep it that way.

Members of the military community who tested positive for coronavirus as of Monday morning included 18 service members, 13 military dependents, three Defense Department civilians and three defense contractors, Hoffman said. U.S. military cases have been reported in South Korea, Germany, Italy and in several U.S. states including Washington, California, Georgia and Virginia.

Military c19 testing:

The Defense Department has tested nearly 500 people across its installations and posts worldwide, including service members in Iraq and Afghanistan, where no troops have tested positive for the coronavirus, more formally known as COVID-19, said Air Force Brig. Gen. Paul Friedrichs, the Joint Staff’s surgeon.

Some members have been tested by a foreign country:


Article submitted by, A Non Ymous.