Italy: Solidarity in the time of disease

Analysis: Italians affected by the coronavirus outbreak are describing the situation as "being in a war." With parts of the country in virtual lockdown, young volunteers are providing a little solace, especially for the elderly.

Two Corona Virus Volunteers in Italy

There are the long-term residents of the council homes built decades ago, who hang out in the local bars or read newspapers on benches in the pedestrian areas.

Then you have the young artists, creatives and freelancers that normally crowd its cafes and bars.. A strict lock-down was then imposed last Wednesday, closing all non-essential shops and services.

While keeping them physically apart from each other, COVID-19 has also brought the two somewhat closer together, in a country that has become the worst-affected in Europe with over 2,500 deaths.

Volunteers out in force

Young people aged between 25 and 30 from a local cultural association called Sparwasser, set up an initiative to help elderly residents. . . . .”There is a strong sense of community here,”

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