The enduring relevance of Andrew Yang

Could'a had a Yang

Last week — a lifetime ago in our new coronavirus reality — in a New York City TV studio, as the Dow plummeted and cities across the country shuttered restaurants and bars, CNN host Don Lemon turned to a topic that is speeding through Capitol Hill at a pace that once seemed unimaginable.

“Sen. Mitt Romney is proposing a $1,000 payment to every adult American,” said Lemon. “An idea that will sound familiar to my guest. . . .”

The camera panned over to Andrew Yang, the former presidential candidate and new CNN commentator, who looked like he was trying really hard to suppress an “I told you so.”

“Yes,” said Yang.

“What did you say about Mitt Romney?” Lemon asked.

“That he has joined the Yang Gang!” said Yang, referring to the loving nickname his supporters have given themselves. “We’re getting a lot of new members. Certainly, under the worst circumstances anyone can imagine.”


Article submitted by, dewater.