Danish shop fights stockpiling by charging £5 for first bottle of hand sanitiser and £126 for a second

Shoppers across Europe have been stripping shelves bare of alcohol gel amid the coronavirus pandemic

A supermarket in Denmark has made an unusual offer to customers tempted to hoard hand sanitiser: buy one bottle for 40 kroner (£5), and they’ll sell you the second for 1,000 kroner (£126).

“Since hand sanitiser is in short supply, the price of buying more than one sanitiser per customer is 1,000 kroner,” the offer read.

The Meny supermarket in the upmarket Copenhagen suburb of Hellerup, was hit over the weekend by a spate of panic buying, with people stripping shelves of goods such as onions, flour, toilet paper, sanitiser, and wet wipes, a scenario that has occurred all over the UK (scroll down to video).

So Rasmus Vejbæk-Zerr, who owns the franchise, decided to price the second bottle out of people’s reach to stop people stockpiling.

“We do this with some other products, just not as drastically, where you get one at a reduced price and the second at the normal prices,” he told The Telegraph.

Complete story at Telegraph

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About forkless 304 Articles
Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon