Free Chat Friday, Week 13

To chat or not to chat, that is the question. . . . . :-)

My favorite cartoon this week: Hey Donald, “Maybe stop talking,” 🙂

And meanwhile, during lockdown, I’m talking to my 93 year old Dad — he’s on lockdown himself in Colorado and having been alive nearly a century has a chill attitude toward all of it. In fact, he’s asking how my cats are — not the kids, not the grandkids, the cats.

Cats have the right idea, he tells me. “You say coronavirus, cats say naptime. You say coronavirus and cats say I’m staring, don’t bother me. You say coronavirus and cats say OK, what just moved?”

Happy Friday, News Viewers. It’s Free Chat, Open Thread, anything goes and everything stays, (OK, within reason which gives us a wide berth). In mid-Pandemic, mid-lockdown the conversations around here have been pretty incredible. Fill us in on what’s happening today — unbelievably, the last Friday in March . . . .