Biden Leads Trump By 9 Points in Latest Fox Poll

A new Fox News poll shows Joe Biden leading Trump by 9 points in a head to head matchup, 49% to 40%.

The margin is essentially unchanged since February’s poll, which showed a 49% to 41% lead for Biden.

Besides gaining support from liberals, non-whites and moderates, Biden bested Trump in two categories critical to his re-election: suburban women and voters ages 65 and older.

The poll also showed a massive lead of 25 points in swing counties, those where Trump and Clinton were close in 2016.

Trump won support from conservatives, white men, whites without a college degree, and white evangelicals.

Also in the poll, 63% approved of Biden’s promise to select a female for vice president, with those under 45 more likely to approve.

The Fox News poll was conducted March 21-24, and included 1,011 randomly chosen voters.

Sources at Mediaite and USA Today.