Editorial: Kansas Republicans Overturned Governor’s Order Limiting Church Meetings, Now They Face Local Firestorm

‘Shockingly irresponsible’: Kansas GOP risks lives by rejecting governor’s church order


Five Kansas lawmakers took a stunning, dangerous step Wednesday by voting to overturn Gov. Laura Kelly’s executive order limiting church services to 10 or fewer congregants during the COVID-19 pandemic.

More Kansans will get sick because of the committee’s vote. More lives will be at risk.

The Legislative Coordinating Council made the decision. As lawmakers left Topeka earlier this year, it empowered the committee to review Kelly’s orders. While the governor can issue new orders, the decision here is final.

All the Republicans on the committee voted to overturn the order.

To be clear: Kelly did not prohibit anyone from praying or worshiping. She simply limited mass church attendance in an effort to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus, just as other governors across the country have done.

Kansas has experienced 12 “clusters” of coronavirus outbreaks. Of those, three came from church-related activities.

Article submitted by, sheltomlee.