FDA demands Wing Nut Alex Jones stop pushing phony coronavirus cures online

In a formal letter to the alt-right television personality on Thursday, the agency ordered Jones to stop telling viewers of his widely watched broadcasts that they can stave off coronavirus with the colloidal silver products sold on his website.

They include “Superblue Silver Immune Gargle,” “SuperSilver Whitening Toothpaste,” “SuperSilver Wound Dressing Gel” and “Superblue Fluoride Free Toothpaste,” all of which the FDA referred to as “unapproved new drugs sold in violation” of the law.

Videos describing the products on the Infowars website “misleadingly represent them as safe and/or effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19,” according to the letter.

New York Daily News:

The agency states that by making these claims Jones is promoting illegal, unapproved drugs, which can carry financial penalties and risk product seizures by government agents.

The letter gives Jones’ company, Infowars.com, 48 hours to remove or correct the false material. FDA warnings are not legally binding, but the agency can take individuals to court if they are ignored.

An email seeking comment from Jones’ website was not immediately returned Friday morning.


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